If you find yourself facing divorce, or in the midst of one, like it or not, you are starting on a new path in your life. Is this a path you never expected to be on? Or perhaps this is a path that you have been aware of and trying to avoid. Weather it’s your decision, your partner’s, or a…
Perhaps feeling stressed is an everyday reality for you. The stress never seems to go away and so you settle with “dealing with it” even though it feels and likely IS, mentally and physically exhausting for you. Maybe stress consistently appears at specific times of the day for you and weighs heavy; when you wake up in the morning, when…
What does Wellness mean to YOU?Is it losing weight? Is it exercising more? Maybe Wellness is saying “No” to people and things that interfere with your peace and happiness. Perhaps Wellness is striving for more balance in your life so you can take better care of your physical and mental health. The truth is, Wellness is, and can be all…