My Story

My Story

I’m a California born health and fitness junkie who loves exercise, gardening, reading, self-development, and travel. I am a dedicated fur mom of four (two cats and two dogs)and I am absolutely obsessed with them!

I am married to the man of my dreams! Just thinking about him gives me butterflies. He is my best friend and an incredible partner and there is not a single day that goes by that I am not incredibly grateful for him and our relationship.

Let’s press the pause button and rewind a bit though…because life wasn’t always this way…my life today is quite different than how life once was for me.

For years I struggled secretly in a toxic relationship quietly battling chronic stress, infertility, pregnancy loss and then cancer. I was always a private person, and most of the people around me during those years had no real idea what I was going through. I wasn’t a complainer and I put other’s needs before my own constantly as I silently watched my happiness, hopes, and dreams slip away.

Until one sunny summer day, I was sitting in my backyard with my dogs feeling defeated, tired, and angry. I remember every single detail of that day and I think I always will. It was a pivotal day. it was the day that my mindset just shifted. I thought to myself, “Enough! I don’t want to do this anymore. If I continue to live this way, I will continue to feel this way and I will never be happy.”

That was the day I began to change my thoughts and speak to myself differently. Eventually those thoughts turned into a new set of beliefs. I believed I deserved a different way of life, and that my happiness and goals must be a priority.

I began to take action and make big change. I identified every aspect of my life that I wanted fulfillment and growth, and then I went after it. I left a toxic relationship. I left a comfortable job that wasn’t challenging me any longer. I met the man of my dreams. I moved to a new city. I became an entrepreneur. Sure, there were a few bumps in the road along the way…there always are right? But I stayed laser focused on what I wanted and what I confidently knew I deserved.

I know in my heart that all the tough times in my life are gifts in disguise. I am grateful for the good and for the bad. Would I have asked for all the trials? Of course not. But life doesn’t just hand us all the things we want. Life provides us a platform to develop those strengths and qualities. At the times when we feel stuck, uncomfortable, frustrated, and unhappy, this is our opportunity to stretch and grow.

For nine years I have been helping people shed their self-doubt, toss aside their limiting beliefs and create a new mindset. Life changes when we think differently, believe differently have the courage to make different choices, and confidently keep pressing forward.

I believe in YOU! I can’t wait to get started…